Tuesday 8 February 2011

Making Leaves Using Mapping Techniques

I selected the background of the leaf image, created a new layer, and then filled with black. I then deleted the layer that contained the image of the original leaf.

I created a new material from the original leaf image, which was the diffuse colour and then used the black and white image as the map for the opacity

To create a texture for the leaf I used the original leaf image and then set the bump to 140 using the close-up of the material to visualise how the finished result would look.

Using the soft selection in lines and verities I was able to distort the layers of the leaf to give them more depth.

I adjusted the hue and saturation of the original leaf image in Photoshop and was then able to use this map for the diffuse colour which enabled me to create different coloured leafs

1 comment:

  1. Your leaves are very realistic. I love the colours :)
